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Au cœur de notre corps
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At the Core of our Body

Original Title

Au cœur de notre corps Se libérer de nos cuirasses - CD de la conférence inclus

30 000 copies sold in hardcover in French.

Marie Lise Labonté developed rheumatoid arthritis in adolescence. She final- ly recovered by using a self-healing approach combining psycho-corporal and anti-exercise “treatments”. The process taught her to discover various somatic and psychic factors that can impede our lifestyles and creativity. This book sets out the author's “cuirass” theory. Read the moving stories of those who shook off the armour that prevented them from living full lives, each in their own way. See complete product information (French)
Price : 
24.95 $ CAD
Publication date : 
September 2015
Category : 
Psychology & Self-Help
Pages : 
216 pages


Marie Lise Labonté

Marie Lise Labonté

Marie Lise Labonté has a master's degree in Orthophony and Audiology from the University of Montréal. Her self-healing experience, from an incurable disease, led her to switch to psychotherapy. She subsequently developed the Method for releasing body tension (“Méthode de libération des cuirasses”, MLC), a mind-body therapy for releasing tension by means of movement and visualization. Since then, she has trained therapists and led seminars and lectures around the world. See full author information (French)

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Florence Bisch
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