Foreign Rights


So long, refined sugar! Hello, date puree!

Original Title

Bye-bye sucre raffiné, bonjour purée de dattes !

The healthy phenomenon from Quebec:
120 000 copies sold!

Date puree is a little marvel of natural sugar, high in fibre and bursting with excellent quality energy.  Let the war against refined sugar begin!

In this book, the author showcases the many culinary possibilities of date puree, while encouraging us to give free rein to our creativity in the kitchen.  On the menu: cookies, bars, muffins, cakes, pies, smoothies, sauces, popsicles, coulis, frostings, breakfast pudding, granola, parfaits, protein snacks for athletes and tips for hungry marathoners.  The recipes are egg-free, gluten-free and dairy-free.  The author also offers tips to satisfy the most delicate gourmet tummies.

Will you be able to resist the temptation to join Madame Labriski's "no added sugar" revolution?  Get ready to indulge in sheer delight. So long, refined sugar! Hello, date puree! See complete product information (French)
Price : 
18.90 $ CAD
Publication date : 
February 2019
Category : 
Food & Wine
Pages : 
200 pages


Madame Labriski

Madame Labriski

Madame Labriski is Mériane Labrie. The mother of two children, she believes anything is possible in life. Full of enthusiasm and possessing extraordinary energy, she firmly intends to contribute to improving the health of ... arthlings... one recipe and one spoonful of date puree at a time. See full author information (French)

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Florence Bisch
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