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50 simple and delicious recipes to enjoy

Original Title

Gâteaux 50 recettes simples et gourmandes pour se faire plaisir!

Dessert lovers – to your ovens!

Barbara Gateau has a weakness for easy-to-make cakes, for celebrating (and spoiling ourselves!) on any occasion. In this book, she suggests 50 irresistible recipes including chocolate, spiced, fruity and simply decadent treats. Whether they are layered, upside-down, rolled or fluffy, there's nothing you can't do. Illustrated with the author's magnificent photos, this book will awaken your inner gourmet.

Strong points
- Simply written recipes and techniques even occasional cooks can follow.
- Magnificent mouth-watering photos. See complete product information (French)
Price : 
19.90 $ CAD
Publication date : 
October 2016
Category : 
Food & Wine
Pages : 
144 pages


Barbara Gateau

Barbara Gateau

A graduate in plastic arts and photography, Barbara Gateau is the author of the Madame Gateau cooking blog, where every day she creates and showcases recipes that are surprisingly original, yet simple. Both talented and versatile, she also develops brand name recipes, and does photography and food styling for magazine articles. See full author information (French)

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