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Bestsellers / Meilleurs vendeurs

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  • Stop Eating Your Emotions - Break the compulsive eating cycle

    Stop Eating Your Emotions

    Cessez de manger vos émotions

    Isabelle Huot, Catherine Senécal

    Already 15 000 copies sold in Québec only.
    Advice from a nutritionist and a psychologist on rediscovering the enjoyment of eating, without guilt and anxiety.

    Do you sometimes catch yourself snacking without even feeling hungry? Do you crave some foods more when you're under stress, worried or unhappy? Do you feel you've lost control when you give in to a craving? This book is for you! The authors suggest [...]

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  • MY BRAIN NEEDS GLASSES - ADHD explained to children


    Mon cerveau a besoin de lunettes

    Annick Vincent

    Two practical guides for understanding and living with attention deficit disorder, with or
    without hyperactivity.

    70 000 copies already sold!
    English edition available

    ADHD, characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, appears in childhood. More than half of the children it affects continue to show symptoms in adolescence and adulthood. Everyone affected needs to have access to good tools. [...]

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  • The Fermentation Revolution - Kombucha, kefir, miso…70 recipes at your fingertips

    The Fermentation Revolution

    Révolution fermentation

    David Côté, Sébastien Bureau

    Boost your diet and your health by preparing your own fermentations!

    The probiotic family just keeps on growing! After having taken their place on store shelves, sauerkraut and other lacto-fermented products are now making their way into the trendiest restaurant kitchens. It's much easier than you think to make your [...]

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  • Rawessence - 100 living-food recipes—raw, crunchy and irresistible



    David Côté, Mathieu Gallant

    Organic, vegan, raw . . . and delicious!

    This book advocates a cuisine that is eco-friendly, meets nutritional needs and tickles the taste buds—all at the same time; in other words, a living-raw-food diet that requires absolutely no cooking. Now you can try more than 100 recipes for [...]

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    300 raisons d'aimer New York

    Marie-Joëlle Parent

    Forget those impersonal guidebooks – get out and discover the “real” New York!

    10 000 copies sold in the first 6 months!

    Why do so many visitors fall in love with New York, so much so that the metropolis has become a compulsory pilgrimage for many tourists? Part coffee-table book and part tourist guide, this book sets out the hundreds of reasons why the author, who [...]

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  • Facial Gymnastics

    Facial Gymnastics

    La gymnastique faciale

    Catherine Pez

    A program of simple exercices can help firm and tone the facial muscles, smooth the skin and prevent the spread of wrinkles. A few minutes of facial gymnastics daily may be easier than plastic surgery.

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  • Champion in Your Head - Performance psychology in sports and life - Revised edition

    Champion in Your Head

    Champion dans la tête

    Francois Ducasse, Makis Chamalidis

    A travelling companion you'll want to consult at work, during fitness training or before an important meeting!
    > 15 000 copies of the previous edition sold.

    This book, the fruit of long experience in high-level sports, is dedicated to the “mind” and the journey of those exceptional people called “champions”. Based on many examples, this foray into the universe of sport will encourage readers to follow [...]

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  • My Sexuality From Age 6 to 9 Years Old

    My Sexuality From Age 6 to 9 Years Old

    Ma sexualité de 6 à 9 ans

    Jocelyne Robert

    Essential activity books for talking about sexuality with children. New colour editions!

    100 000 copies sold!

    How can we talk to children about their bodies? How are babies born? What makes girls and boys different? What's puberty?   Adapted for each age group, (generously illustrated for the very young, more interactive for older children), these books [...]

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  • My Sexuality From Age 9 to 11 Years Old

    My Sexuality From Age 9 to 11 Years Old

    Ma sexualité de 9 à 11 ans

    Jocelyne Robert

    Essential activity books for talking about sexuality with children. New colour editions!

    100 000 copies sold!

    How can we talk to children about their bodies? How are babies born? What makes girls and boys different? What's puberty?   Adapted for each age group, (generously illustrated for the very young, more interactive for older children), these books [...]

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  • My Sexuality from Age 0 to 6

    My Sexuality from Age 0 to 6

    Ma sexualité de 0 à 6 ans

    Jocelyne Robert, Jo-Anne Jacob

    Essential activity books for talking about sexuality with children – New colour editions!
    100 000 copies sold!

    How can we talk to children about their bodies? How are babies born? What makes girls and boys different? What's puberty?   Adapted for each age group, (generously illustrated for the very young, more interactive for older children), these books [...]

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  • Being Happy Is Not Always Comfortable - Illustrated Edition

    Being Happy Is Not Always Comfortable

    Être heureux, ce n'est pas nécessairement confortable

    Thomas d'Ansembourg, Alexis Nouailhat

    Address new readers: our self-help best-sellers can now be read as illustrated editions!

    The popular belief that happiness depends on feeling good and leading a carefree life is an illusion. It can play tricks on us and prevents us from fully enjoying those genuine moments of happiness that punctuate our lives. Thomas d'Ansembourg calls [...]

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  • REIMAGINING HEALTH - Stop looking for the miracle pill; change your behaviour


    La santé repensée

    Gaétan Brouillard

    Let's look for the causes of our illnesses, but, more importantly, let's find new keys to good health!

    40 000 copies sold in the first 6 months, in Québec alone!

    Too often and for too long, people have sought ready-made recipes for their ailments, both in terms of diagnoses and cures. Yet this quest for the “miracle pill” is an illusion, especially for treating chronic diseases. Each person is unique, with [...]

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  • Absent Fathers, Lost Sons - The Search for Masculine Identity

    Absent Fathers, Lost Sons

    Père manquant, fils manqué (+ DVD)

    Guy Corneau

    300 000 copies sold in French!

    An experience of the fragility of conventional images of masculinity is something many modern men share. Psychoanalyst Guy Corneau traces this experience to an even deeper feeling men have of their fathers' silence or absence—sometimes literal, but [...]

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  • Manipulative Parents

    Manipulative Parents

    Les parents manipulateurs

    Isabelle Nazare-Aga

    20 000 copies sold in a year!

    A valuable book for combatting the devastating effects of manipulation when it occurs in families.

    Having shown the devastating impact of manipulation in society and in romantic relationships, Isabelle Nazare-Aga takes aim at the consequences of this destructive phenomenon for the family unit. She explains, using many examples, how to recognize [...]

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  • STOP BEING NICE – START BEING REAL! Illustrated edition - Being with others while still being ourselves

    STOP BEING NICE – START BEING REAL! Illustrated edition

    Cessez d'être gentil soyez vrai - Édition illustrée

    Thomas d'Ansembourg

    The bestseller that sold half a million copies, now in a condensed and illustrated edition!

    40 000 copies sold in French in a year!

    The message of Stop Being Nice – Be Real! is more relevant than ever. To make his ideas even more easily understood, the author decided to revise the text and add humorous illustrations. Condensed, simplified and more light-hearted, this new edition [...]

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  • Love's Manipulators

    Love's Manipulators

    Les manipulateurs et l'amour

    Isabelle Nazare-Aga

    Love is more than just an emotion; it's a powerful force capable of changing us for the better. But what happens when a person who has just declared his undying love turns out to be an emotional vampire? What happens when a relationship turns [...]

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  • Running Better - From head to toe

    Running Better

    Courir mieux

    Jean-François Harvey

    35 000 copies sold in Québec only!

    Running has seen an unexpected boom in recent years, reaching new heights of popularity. This practical guide will answer questions asked by every runnerbeginner and old hand alike. How can you improve your times and minimize the risk of injuryand [...]

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  • Manipulators are among us

    Manipulators are among us

    Les manipulateurs sont parmi nous

    Isabelle Nazare-Aga

    Manipulators display many faces – congenial, seductive, reserved or brash. They adopt a variety of attitudes, using a range of maneuvers to reach their goals. By behaving politely, flattering and charming you with words, these people – they may be [...]

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  • Journey to the Lands of Love

    Journey to the Lands of Love

    Voyage aux pays de l'amour

    Jacques Salomé

    Jacques Salomé invites us to penetrate a few of the mysteries of love...

    In each of us there is a deep and sometimes irresistible urge to love and be loved. Many also feel the desire and determination to move beyond a romantic encounter and create a stable relationship as a couple. In this book, Jacques Salomé asks us to [...]

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  • Healer of Cancer: The Power of the Mind

    Healer of Cancer: The Power of the Mind

    Le pouvoir anticancer des émotions

    Christian Boukaram

    15000 copies sold in Québec in 6 months!

    “New scientific research shows us that cancer is an environmental disease. That environment is not limited to the air we breathe and the electromagnetic waves that surround us. That environment is that of our cells. We are their environment.” One [...]

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