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Le psy-guide des grands-parents
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Loving, comforting, supporting

Original Title

Le psy-guide des grands-parents Aimer, réconforter, soutenir

A wealth of advice for a rewarding grandparent-grandchild relationship!

Grandmas and grandpas play an increasingly large role in today's families. By assisting parents and building closer connections with their grandchildren, they become indirectly involved in their daily routines and upbringing. It can, however, be hard to clearly define the limits they have to respect, as well as those of the parents. For example, how far should they go to enforce discipline? How can they tell their own child they don't agree with some of their parental practices? What activities can they do with their grandchildren? This book aims to answer questions asked by many grandparents and to offer practical tips so they can play their full part, while contributing to a harmonious upbringing respectful of the parents' values, for the well-being of their grandchildren!


  • All the information needed to make grandparents' lives easier. 
  • Simple, practical, and accessible advice for improving the grandparent-grandchild relationship. 
  • Short chapters for focussed reading, providing answers to specific questions. 
  • A dynamic graphic layout, making it easier to absorb the content. 
  • An author who draws on her own experience to provide relevant comments.
See complete product information (French)
Price : 
22.95 $ CAD
Publication date : 
August 2021
Category : 
Family & Parenting
Pages : 
160 pages


Suzanne Vallières

Suzanne Vallières

Psychologist Suzanne Vallières offers the results of her eighteen years of experience with young people as a specialized trainer, therapist, lecturer and mother of three children. She regularly contributes to television programs. See full author information (French)

Gabrielle Vallières-Lavoie

Gabrielle Vallières-Lavoie

Gabrielle Vallières-Lavoie, a doctoral student in clinical neuropsychology, is interested in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders and works with those affected. She has used the knowledge acquired throughout her training to complement the author's extensive experience, in this second collaboration from the mother-daughter team. See full author information (French)


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