Foreign Rights

Freeing the Voice

A training guide for singing and speaking

Original Title

Libérer sa voix Une méthode efficace pour entraîner sa voix parlée et chantée

Get the most out of your voice and improve every aspect of your communication.

A practical guide for anyone wishing to improve his or her singing or speaking voice, this book presents a short theoretical overview of the anatomy of the voice, followed by advice on vocal hygiene, as well as a complete array of exercises for breathing, muscle strengthening, diction, interpretation and vocalization. The fruit of thirty-three years of teaching voice to artists, broadcasters, lecturers, commentators, teachers and amateurs, this valuable tool is designed for both beginners and experienced professionals.
Working on our singing or speaking voice enables us to project better, with better diction and more musicality. The voice is capable of transmitting the deepest emotions, so getting to know our voice more intimately involves becoming aware of the emotions underlying what we say. Working on our voice is thus about learning to communicate in a more nuanced way with others, both in our choice of words and through rhythm and register.

Strong points
- The author is an expert in the subject, and has worked with communicators of all kinds (artists, teachers, lecturers, etc.)
- This book is the fruit of daily voice-coaching practice combined with solid training.
- The method uses various physical approaches: yoga, bioenergy, martial arts, the Alexander and Feldenkreis techniques, Pilates and table gymnastics.
- The explanations are clear and the exercises can be done by anyone wanting to train his or her voice.
- In colour. Anatomical illustrations and photos of the various exercises. See complete product information (French)
Price : 
13.90 $ CAD
Publication date : 
March 2017
Category : 
Pages : 
104 pages


Hélène Parent

Hélène Parent

Helene Parent has a BA in Psychology and is an author-composer-interpreter who has studied music, song, dance and theatre arts. For over thirty years, she has taught vocal techniques, singing, interpretation, stage movement and yoga voice to performing artists, the general public, and also in several well-known institutions and businesses, including Cirque du Soleil. See full author information (French)

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Florence Bisch
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