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Le psy-guide des parents épuisés
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How to prevent or overcome parental burnout

Original Title

Le psy-guide des parents épuisés Comment prévenir ou surmonter le burnout parental

The author of the successful “Psycho-tips” series offers her best
advice for avoiding the parental burnout trap.

In a world that bombards us with information, where perfectionism and performance are emphasized, and the list of tasks and sources of stress keep piling up, many parents wind up feeling overwhelmed by their role and exhausted.Halfway between an essay and a handbook, written in a tone that blends compassion and pragmatism, this book is a tool for fighting back against a growing phenomenon: parental burnout, a reality that affects both women and men.

The author shows us how to recognize the red flags (also known as the “burn-in” phase), so as to better understand how we got into this situation and avoid sinking into exhaustion. And, for those who are already suffering from
burnout, the author suggests ways of approaching it and tools for recovery.

Thanks to this book, you'll make concrete changes in your
routine, be better able to organize your time and manage
your stress, learn to delegate tasks and accept imperfection...
In short, you'll pick up the reins of your family life with
confidence and renewed well-being.

Strong points

As a psychologist, the author offers real support and advice for preventing or overcoming parental burnout.

Her comments are based on the most recent research into the subject.
A dynamic and guilt-relieving approach, based on practical solutions and tools.

Short chapters for easy, fast and targeted reading.
See complete product information (French)
Price : 
16.50 $ CAD
Publication date : 
September 2019
Category : 
Family & Parenting
Pages : 
192 pages


Suzanne Vallières

Suzanne Vallières

Psychologist Suzanne Vallières offers the results of her eighteen years of experience with young people as a specialized trainer, therapist, lecturer and mother of three children. She regularly contributes to television programs. See full author information (French)

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Florence Bisch
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