Foreign Rights

Vivre avec les miens
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Living at Home

Each day… Everyday

Original Title

Vivre avec les miens Chaque jour... la vie

Rights Sold


25 000 copies sold in French

This book is a collection of vignettes about family life and relationships. Who has never fallen in love, experienced heartbreak or self-doubt ? How do we go about talking and listening to our children? That's what the author discusses in these thoughtful pages. See complete product information (French)
Price : 
19.00 $ CAD
Publication date : 
February 2003
Category : 
Psychology & Self-Help
Pages : 
296 pages


Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé has a degree in social psychiatry. He is a psycho-sociologist, human-relations coach and writer. Since 1962, he's worked on developing and refining effective communications and nonviolent relationships between children and adults. He is the author of 63 books—translated and distributed in 24 countries—intended for those interested in changing and improving their personal, social and professional relationships. Jacques Salomé also gives lectures and is a frequent guest on radio and television. See full author information (French)

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Florence Bisch
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