Foreign Rights

Aimer et se le dire (NE)
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To Love Someone

Is To Say It Outloud

Original Title

Aimer et se le dire (NE) Apprendre à aimer dans la durée

Rights Sold

Romania, Danemark

160 000 copies sold in French See complete product information (French)
Price : 
19.00 $ CAD
Publication date : 
July 2003
Category : 
Psychology & Self-Help
Pages : 
288 pages


Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé has a degree in social psychiatry. He is a psycho-sociologist, human-relations coach and writer. Since 1962, he's worked on developing and refining effective communications and nonviolent relationships between children and adults. He is the author of 63 books—translated and distributed in 24 countries—intended for those interested in changing and improving their personal, social and professional relationships. Jacques Salomé also gives lectures and is a frequent guest on radio and television. See full author information (French)

Sylvie Galland

Sylvie Galland

A psychotherapist and psychodramatist, Sylvie Galland has worked for 40 years in the field of special education. In particular,she was the director of the children's psychotherapy centre at the Hôpital de l'enfance de Lausanne. She has facilitated many group psychodrama sessions for adults and has done training in psychoanalytical psychodrama for professionals See full author information (French)


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